
Are you ready to set your life in motion?  Then you’re in the right place! This is the start of a journey of discovering your calling as a believer.  You are uniquely created and purposed for things much greater than you can imagine and we are excited to help you get activated in your journey with God.  Whether you are new to faith in Christ or you have been a Christian for many years, these levels will get you moving in the right direction. There are four levels to Activate. Below you’ll find a quick description of what to look forward to. We suggest you start at level 1 and build from there to level 4, but you can join at any time. Register today for our next level 1 session.

activate Level 1

You are ACCEPTED by God

The foundation we all must start with is that we are accepted by God, just the way we are.

We will start the activation process with this truth and build on it in this session with two key areas that help solidify our acceptance. You will discover how you can help others know they are accepted by becoming active in these two key areas. You’ll also learn the mission and vision of Promise Church, our church history and about our pastors.

This level happens every first Sunday of every other month.

activate Level 2

You are LIFTED through Christ

In this second life changing session you will focus on four additional foundations for getting activated!

You will learn how and why these are essential and pivotal in walking out your purpose. We will cover how to’s and teachings on topics like, the Bible, prayer, tithing and baptism.

This level happens every second Sunday of every other month.

Activate Level 3

You are GIFTED with a purpose

This is where you discover how you are gifted by God to impact those around you.

You will discover and take a look at your personality and the spiritual gifts that are inside of each one of us. The goal is to show you not only how you are uniquely created to reach the lost in our community but to make a difference in every area of influence you find yourself in. 

This level happens every third Sunday of every other month.

Activate Level 4

You are TRUSTED with a mission

God trusts you with so much!

We are all meant to impact those around us and share the love of Christ not only with our words but with the way we use our gifts and live our lives. You will leave this session with a purpose and a plan to stay activated and make the greatest impact possible for Christ. 

This level happens every fourth Sunday of every other month.