

Pastor Jose is from Williams, Ca and Pastor Vivian is from Napa, Ca. They both met in Chico in 2008 in college. He studied Mechatronic Engineering and she studied Electrical Engineering at Chico State. However, during their final year of college, they felt the call to ministry and decided to discover what that looked like for their lives. They got married in 2014 and had their son Lucas a few years later in 2019.

After years of faithful service in children’s ministry they were eventually ordained as children’s pastors in 2016. In 2017 they were transitioned to being Small Groups pastors as the needs of the ministry changed. In January of 2019 they felt the call from God to start a new ministry, a church where people could come and connect to God again or for their first time. They envisioned a healthy church who loved people, build into people and served people. This is how Promise Church was birthed. They now pastor our church together, Pastor Jose is Lead Pastor and Pastor Vivian is Co-Lead Pastor.