Promise Kids Home

Every Sunday, babies through 5th grade children will experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way.

We would love for you and your family to visit Promise Kids this Sunday. Join the fun, and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level!

Our Sundays consist of activities, games, the Bible and Need To Know truths that you can recite at home with them!

“What will my first visit look like?”

Your first stop when you arrive is the first-time check in area. We want to serve you and your child well, so we’ll take some time to get to know you. We’ll ask about allergies, make sure we know what your child likes to be called, and collect your contact information.

Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. This sticker is also what you’ll use to pick-up your child after gathering. We want you and your child to feel and be safe and this makes sure no one else is able to check out your child but you.

During Service

Promise Kids operates by three values, BE SAFE, HAVE FUN & LEARN ABOUT GOD!

Be safe. Like stated earlier, each child will be safe with us by the time they enter the room with their tag for check out system. We also provide and extensive background check for every single person that is a part of our Promise Kids Crew! We ensure that we have a good kid to teacher ratio and that your child has age appropriate snacks. We also ensure that there is one person who is CPR certified in the building during services.

Have Fun. We want your child to love learning about Jesus in age appropriate ways. We think through the videos, crafts and games your child will experience so that when they walk out they have had a blast! We ensure all kids play nice, uplift one another and are respectful of our friends and things God has given us.

Learn about God. Our mission is to connect kids to God so at the end of the time with us, we hope they walk away with the truth of the day! Every 6-8 weeks we have a new topic we learn about and we learn memory verses so kids learn to write the word in their heart at an early age. We have small group time where we discuss real live scenarios of things they can do to help them in their walk with God. We end in prayer where a child learns they can talk to the Lord about anything!

After Service

We encourage parents to keep the conversation going after service and during the week. After service we encourage you ask your child these two questions:

Did you have fun?
What did you learn?

Our goal is to have a positive answer to both of those questions each week. Want to get more involved in what your child is learning? You will hopefully leave with a parent cue card provided by the volunteer who helped you check out. This parent cue card will provide you with what the child learned that week and activities you can try at home to live out the Need to Know.

We are always looking for passionate people who love kids and want to join our crew and volunteer their time with us at Promise Kids. If you’re interested in offering your time 1.5 hrs a week on Sundays please let us know by filling out the form below. We would love to see you flourish and use your specific gifting and talents to see God transform kids lives!

Promise Kid Parent, in order for us to be able to contact you in case of an emergency we have to have the correct info for you and your child and also an updated Photo Release Form every time something changes (i.e. allergies, address, phone number, etc). Click on the button below to update your info.