Small Groups

Our goal for Promise groups is to build and serve through love in a safe community environment. Transformation happens in the context of relationships. God designed His church as a body to help one another and each play a part of His body. We have groups which are designed to help you build a healthy deeper spiritual walk, healthy families, healthy relationships, and healthy marriages. We build and serve with love at Promise Church. We encourage you to try one or two and commit to it for the next 10 weeks. God will do abundantly more than you can imagine.

You were not meant to do life alone. God designed you to be a part of a body, a community. Click on the image to see what Small Groups are available this season. Spring Small Groups will be open for sign ups starting September 8, and Group meetings start the following week, September 15, 2024.

Is God prompting you to HOST an environment where you and other people can come together to get closer to God either through a book, a devotional, a bible study or a video series? Fill out the form by clicking on the image, excited to see God use you in amazing ways!